
Infographic: The Business of Healthcare

Lately I’ve felt like my blog has become infographic central! Infographics are coming out of the woodwork. Trust me when I tell you that most infographics that people send me never make it into this blog. Every infographic is selling something; that’s just the way it is. Case in point, the infographic below was produced by It takes a detailed look at healthcare spending in the United States. It doesn’t break any new ground, but the information, in graphic form, is interesting. Take a look. To view a larger version of the infographic, simply click on the image.
The Business of Healthcare

2 comments on “Infographic: The Business of Healthcare

  1. Dan, that is a great one! FYI, this week we were invited to pin healthcare infographics on a shared Pinboard. It’s the first time we’ve been invited by an outside organization to do this. The board was started by a medical billing company. And I was surprised by how many healthcare orgs were out there pinning…this is really on the uptick since we started our business boards a few months ago. You might want to ask for an invite. I pinned a few of the other infographics you’ve shared in the past (they should link back to your blog). The quality varies, but there are some good ones out there:

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