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Final Record-Setting Twitter Analytics for #SHSMD18

The Twitter traffic for #SHSMD18 was phenomenal. After a down year in 2017, we rebounded to have a record year in 2018 (all data from Symplur). In 2018, we nearly doubled the number of potential Twitter impressions, and Tweet volume was up by 45%. The number of people Tweeting even increased from 383 participants to 397. What impressed me most was that we beat the total impressions from #SHSMD16 (a big year for SHSMD Connections on Twitter) with 12.914 million impressions compared to 12.714 million in 2016. Below is a snapshot of the 2018 Twitter analytics.

Below are some graphics from Symplur that show Tweet volume by day as well as data on top influencers for the conference. Once again, I have to give a shoutout to all of our SHSMD Social Advocates who volunteered to help drive the #SHSMD18 conversations on social platforms. They did a terrific job. You will see many of them represented in the influencer data. The Social Advocates included Amy Jose, Kelly David, Scott Samples, Jhaymee Wilson Tynan, Tim Brennan, Johnny Mehler, Dan Dunlop, Kerry Heckle, Jeff Steblea, and Dan Bing. I’d also like to thank my friend and colleague, Colin Hung, for serving as an unofficial SHSMD Social Advocate and for coordination the #HCLDR #HITMC #Pinksocks meetup on Tuesday evening. Everyone did a terrific job sharing the content from #SHSMD8 via social media.

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