Breast Cancer Awareness Cancer Prevention

Pornhub Jumps On Breast Cancer Screening Bandwagon

Fox News recently covered a novel breast cancer screening initiative by Pornhub, a free ad-supported pornographic video sharing website. Pornhub recruited porn star Bree Olson to be the head cheerleader for the one day event in New York City. Olson, and a the “Boob Bus Nurse Brigade,” staffed the predominantly pink “Save Our Boobs Bus,” where individuals were offered free breast cancer screening exams by a board-certified plastic surgeon. The event included five stops at NYC landmarks including Times Square, Grand Central Terminal and Central Park.

The obvious question is how much of what Pornhub did was to generate publicity for its business? The event certainly generated press coverage. And the value of the press coverage most likely far outweighs the cost of the promotion. However, does any of that matter? If more people received screenings for breast cancer as a result of this effort, isn’t that good enough? After all, many organizations take on good causes in the hope that they will generate goodwill and positively impact stakeholders.

I’m excited to see organizations exploring new ways to get people engaged in their own healthcare. Just last week I wrote a post about the novel cancer screening promotion developed by Spirit Health Group. The promotion, titled Hand In Hand, encourages couples to use date night as an opportunity to seek out cancer screenings. The hospitals hosting the screening events are encouraged to create a romantic “date night” atmosphere for the couples. That might include romantic music, wine and assorted chocolates. There’s no rule that says we have to approach screenings in a solitary manner. Why not have couples give each other moral support and encouragement? It makes sense to me.

If you know of any other interesting tactics being used to engage healthcare consumers, leave me a comment and I’ll probably end up sharing it here on my blog. Thanks!

2 comments on “Pornhub Jumps On Breast Cancer Screening Bandwagon

  1. While I generally disagree with porn sites (I help men quit porn), the free breast exams are pretty neat. Would be interesting how many people actually approach a wacky truck like that though.

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